Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A Good Reason to Quit

    Looking out the window I saw the green pickup truck pull in with the practice's biggest Nubian goat patient, sort of surf-balancing in the back.  Nubie, the goat, weighs in close to 250 pounds.  He was coming in for his routine pedicure.  Normally, Nubie sees our other doctor but on this day she was working in our southern office.  I told the doctor to forget about using his rose pruners which he normally uses for trimming goat hooves.  I told him to get out his horse hoof nippers and rasp.  I proceeded to tell him that we usually make Nubie lay down for his hoof trim as opposed to trying to pick each foot up at a time like we normally do for goats.  He gave me a raised eyebrow and the "okay Margaret" look but when he watched the gargantuan goat stomp into the barn he began to nod. 
   We led Nubie into a stall and he cooperated by laying down nice and calm.  In between trimming his hooves the doctor had to stop to roll up his sleeves.  As Nubie's owner and I pinned him down we chatted a bit.  His owner told us how Nubie has a very irritating paper eating addiction. 
This is my last bag I swear.  Tomorrow I will never eat paper again. 
  He said Nubie will assault the paper recycling bin, pigging out on its contents until it's empty.  But, he explained, Nubie has been plagued with a new addiction.  He picked up the nasty habit of smoking cigarettes.  He said that if someone walks past his farm and Nubie catches a whiff of some second hand smoke it makes him crazy.  He will charge the smoker down, head butt them, tear the cancer stick out of their hands and swallow it while it's still burning. 

Gotta light?
   The owner doesn't quite know what to do about it.  A 250 pound goat mowing people down to bum a smoke is a bit of a liability.  I told him that Nubie could quite possibly be the next big quit smoking method.  Some people quit by hypnosis why not quit by a monster goat chasing them down, running them over, ripping the bad habit right out of their bare hands with his teeth, chewing the flaming addiction right in their face, then spitting the slobbery tobacco cud back into  their faces.  I bet it would cause enough night terrors to convince them never to want to smoke again.
   As for trying to get Nubie to kick the habit...
What?  You want my ID?   I just ate it.  Of course I'm over 18!  Look at my beard.
...the doctor recommended the patch.

Thanks for reading!  Happy Birthday to my Mom!  I love you!
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Copyright (c) 2012 October 24, 2012


  1. Yet another smoking danger... I am so glad that I don't smoke!

  2. LOL....... a heart attack made me give up.... but the scent of a cigarette still has me wanting 4 years and 296 days later !!!!

    The paper.. I will pass on ........

    You lead such an interesting life !!

    Love and Hugsss


  3. Dang, and I paid the hypnotist to quit. A 250lb goat could probably scare the addiction out of me.

  4. Hahaha! That's why I love goats.

  5. Nice pictures! Apparently this is a common occurence with goats? You have such an interesting job. Your stories never ceases to amaze.


  6. Gay Berrien
    Maggie, in the '60s when my parents had the store in Denny, I spent a few hours working hard on an advertising poster to put up on the wall, complete with artwork. After I tacked it on the outside wall within minutes our goat, Nanny (an original name), came over to look at it. Instead of admiring it, she stood up on her hind legs, grabbed it, and ate half of it, drawing and all.

  7. Thank you! Very cute! My parents had a goat they named Paycheck; Dad had done some tractor work for a Korean neighbor and she walked up our lane with the check to pay my parents. The goat was tied in the lane to eat the brush, she was very friendly and went right up to the lady, who was a bit frightened I think, and waved the check at the goat to scare her away. She ate the check right out of the lady’s hand (she didn’t speak very good English, so you can imagine the conversation between her and Dad…!). Can’t even remember what the goat’s name was before that, ever after she was known as Paycheck. Her favorite treat was Kleenex, but you couldn’t give her too many at a time, they constipated her. Ah, what a memory, thanks for sending me the link!!
    Happy Friday!!


  8. Good one - I’m still chuckling as I write!
    Lisa H.

  9. Margaret, thanks for that great read. A smokin' goat! You could go on the road with that show! Love, Dad H.

  10. Haha what a cute goat. Katy

  11. I had heard that tobacco was a natural dewormer? Sounds pretty gross to me.


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