Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Goat Diva

It was a rainy morning when one of our dairy goat clients came through the door of the veterinary hospital.  He carried in a large bucket with two very sick baby goat kids nestled inside.  By the time we took the bucket from him and walked to the exam room, one of the kids passed away.  Susie and I bustled about the office hanging heating lamps and placing a heating pad beneath the poor little baby.  The doctor scooped up the limp, barely breathing doeling (a female baby goat) and took her temperature.  It was so low that it wasn't even registering on the thermometer.  My hope for this little one surviving was fading with her. 
The doctor told me to clip the fur away from the doeling's  vein as he readied some injections.  He administered the Hail Mary treatments and within seconds she lifted her head.  In a few minutes she was chatting away to us.  Susie warmed up a bottle and when she offered it to this little weak creature she almost lost her hand.  That baby goat slammed that bottle down faster then a teacher at happy hour on a Friday. 
Susie and our little binge bottle drinking doeling.
After her second feeding she was running the office.  She was sitting at the desk answering phones, putting on invoices, entertaining customers...  She was a natural.  
"Thank you for calling the veterinary hospital.   I'm a cute baby goat.  How can I direct your call?"

A little before noon her owner stopped by the office, thinking that he was coming to pick up an empty bucket.  He couldn't believe when the little doeling walked around the corner to greet him. We gave him her care instructions and told him that we named her...Beyonce. 
"Beyonce?  What's a Beyonce?" he asked.
I explained that Beyonce is some diva that sings some crappy pop song that you can never get out of your head, called I'm a Survivor.   We thought it fitting for this little doeling.  She was a survivor and...a diva.

This song's for you Beyonce goat! 
You go doeling!
(just pretend the divas are may be easier to watch)


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Copyright (c) 2012


  1. The doeling is BEAUTIFUL... not so the female human singer !!

    Love the goat..... Thankyou for giving her back her life


  2. OMG, hahaha, I really hope you showed the farmer the video......

  3. Just think that little goat is frolicking around her pasture kicking up her hooves, singing "I'm a survivor!" thanks to you and Susie! (now i can't get that song outta my head)

  4. Rick and I both love your blog. Your writing shows the gem of a person that you are: playful and full of a gentle heart. We hope you keep sending us the notifications for available installments.
    X0X Wendy

  5. I love hearing about all that you do. Thank you Margaret

  6. Absolutely PTICH PERFECT! We have a Survivor Kitty - Sofia - ask Andrea about her - any animal that survives a traumatic birth and early few months has a definite personality! I just loved this story! xoxo Linda

  7. Elizabeth wrote: "How could you stand to give that cutie back to her owner?"

  8. Andrea wrote: "Nice! Hahahha, that song has countless stories associated with it :)"

  9. I finally found a diva I like and she's not a slacker. Great story funny and heart warming. Thanks for the laugh. Karen


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