Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Piglet in a Blanket

I watched the as they got out of their car and proceeded to the passenger side.  They opened the door and pulled out a cat carrier.  I headed to the door to tell them that the small animal veterinary hospital was down the road but when I opened the door I could hear little oinks coming from the carrier.  That's right, we had an appointment with a baby pot bellied piglet.  The owner placed the carrier on the counter and that's when us office girls went into full fledged baby talk mode.  The owner was leaving him with us for his morning appointment and we were more then happy to piggy sit him until they returned. 

And this little piggy went to the veterinarian's office...
This was the first pot bellied piglet any of us office girls had seen so we immediately wanted him out to cuddle with.  We set the carrier on the floor and opened the door.  As we did this the veterinarian walked by and said I wouldn't do that.  Do what?  Leave this cute, innocent, harmless, cantaloupe sized piglet in that horribly confining box?  We tilted the carrier and he gently slid out the door.  He sniffed around shyly and let us touch his little snout a million times and squeal little "awes" and "he's so cute"'s a million times to him.  None of us girls, I think, knew if the phones were ringing or if customers were out front...all we knew was that there was a little bundle of cuteness roaming around the office. 
But the fun had to end.  The doctor was ready for the appointment and he said "Okay, now catch him".  There was a peculiar tone of challenge in his voice.  One of us went to scoop him up and that's when the record scratched, nails drug across the chalk board and the alarm clock started screeching all at once.  That little bugger was squealing at a decibel so loud that it made us abandon any idea of picking him up and sent us into a retreat covering our ears. Our withdrawal brought his protesting to a halt and he became quiet and cute again. With our ears ringing, we tried again but the same thing happened.  At this point, the veterinarian went in to his office and shut the door. 
When the doctor left I think the little sucker realized the game had been kicked up a notch.  Not only did he start to squeal but he took off running and... peeing.  He was darting around the office like a pin ball on speed.  The three of us couldn't touch him.  Then one of us came up with the idea to throw a towel over him.  We found a towel and tossed it over the little guy and then...we had a running, squealing, peeing purple towel bumping into things.  This was it.  This game was in overtime and we needed to score.  We went in for the dive.  We snatched that little purple, peeing, squealing, towel got him into a cuddle hold and then...he settled right down.  We uncovered his face and held the swaddled baby piglet-in-a-blanket as he softly oinked to us and melted our hearts.  All was forgiven.  We passed him off to the doctor who had an I-told-you-so look on his face but we didn't feel conquered as we cleaned up the little puddles on the floor. We were still melting from those soft little oinks.

Thanks for reading and for all the great comments!  If you are having trouble leaving comments you can try selecting the "Anonymous" option or you can email it to me at and I can post it for you.  You can also be added to my mailing list at the same email address.

Copyright (c) 2011


  1. Another hilarious story, Margaret! By the time the owner came back I bet you girls had the poor little guy all done up with bows, bonnet and whatever other dollar store paraphernalia you could get your hands on.
    Looking forward to the next Margaret adventure!

  2. HAHAHA! Oh you make me laugh Mags! Great story... thanks for sharing! Tried to post under anonymous, but it wouldn't work!!!

  3. You have such an amazing job. Instead of being in an office or another mundane situation day after day, every morning for you is an opportunity for a new adventure.

  4. What a great story, I always wondered about piglets and being pets. This story was very touching, as your love of animals is too. Thanks for the beautiful adventure. Love Laura

  5. Better to be wrapped in a blanket than a pastry. You always stir such great visuals. Can't say your job is boring. Love the story thanks for making me laugh. Karen

  6. Better to be wrapped in a blanket than a pastry. You always stir such great visuals. Can't say your job is boring. Love the story thanks for making me laugh. Karen

  7. AWWW I want a little baby pot belly pig!!!!! I bet even his little puddles that he left on the floor were cute lol! Great story Margaret!! This story really did make my heart melt, I loved it!!!!!!!!Love, Katy

  8. Andrea wrote: "I've only known mean pot bellies! One had to be kept in a friend's kitchen and you could hear it snorting and pawing at the door to get out! He was nuts."

  9. Very, very funny! If I remember correctly, George Clooney has (or had) a pet pot-bellied pig! Feel free to post my comments on any of your essays if you want, I have too much trouble figuring out how to do it myself! xoxo ansmom


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