Wednesday, July 20, 2011


I do not have any kids but I have Autumn.  Autumn lets me assault her with all my maternal "mommy urges" that come exploding from my 33 year old body.   Like a mom, the clock ticks for my Autumn.  I'm up at first light to feed her breakfast, groom her and go for a little ride before I turn her out in the pasture with her friends for the day.  On my lunch break I'll run to the feed store and pick up her groceries.  When I get out of work I head back to the ranch to clean her room, pick her up from the pasture, with a cookie in hand, and take her back to her stall where I have her dinner waiting. I then proceed to clean her hooves and groom the mud, sticks and adventures she collected throughout her day with her buddies.


Then I'll sit with her quietly and read a chapter from my book before I tuck her in for the night.  Sometimes, I'll sneak out of the house in my pajamas right before bedtime and drive up to the barn just to give her one more goodnight kiss. And sometimes, I'll climb up on her back in her stall and just lay on her back and give her one great big long hug. 
This week I  got to buy her her first pair of sneakers.  Her feet were having trouble adjusting from the soft wet mud to the dry hard summer ground so I got her a pair of protective boots.  At first, she walked around like she was stuck in a tar pit, pulling her legs high up before being afraid to put them down.   Once she realized she could walk in them and that she could walk over the sharp rocks in them she became a huge fan.
Baby's First Pair of Shoes
When she grows out of them I don't think I will be able to hang them as a memento from my rear view mirror but I could use them a bowling ball in or something. 
She must have her dad's feet
Well, now that this story has come to it's end and even though it's my night off from all my ranch duties, I'm excited to get home and hike out in the pasture to find my Autumn.  When I find her I'm going to give her a big hug and kiss goodnight...just because I'm her mom and I love her.

Copyright (c) 2011


  1. What a sweet story. You such a good mom, love and dedication Autumn is lucky to have you and each other. Those sneakers are adorable. Karen

  2. You are such a sweet, caring and loving mom. You share all of the qualities necessary to care for a mammal baby. Now you are ready to take on a
    homo sapien version. Autumn is very lucky

  3. WOW I love all the pictures!! Autumn's new boots are so cute!!!! You should get them bronzed when she grows out of them :-)Cute story & you're a wonderful mommy.Love,Katy

  4. I loved this essay - HOWEVER, with Autumn, you DO NOT have to deal with whining, crying, refusals to eat dinner, temper tantrums about bedtime, etc. etc. etc. You get ALL the fun and none of the hassle! As always, I love to read your essays

  5. "Best daycare in the world. You are an inspiring horse mommy for such a little girl!"

  6. Love it Mags! We are so blessed to share life with these amazing creatures!


  7. Loved this line................... I then proceed to clean her hooves and groom the mud, sticks and adventures she collected throughout her day with her buddies. Very sweet blog. I like this one the best because of the pictures of Autumn.

  8. Our first born is definitely getting hand me downs and their gonna like it!
    Another awesome blog, MOM.


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