Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Sundays with Autumn

I just wanted to thank everyone for taking the time to read my stories and  for all your great comments & emails.  They are so encouraging and keep me writing!  If you are new to the blog and would like to be on my email list just send your email to (all emails will be kept confidential)

Okay...Now I'm going to beg, again, for donations for the relay ride to raise money for the American Cancer Society on Saturday May 7th 2011 that Autumn and I are going to do.  Read more about it and how to make a donation on my blog:  Thanks!

Okay Now The Story....

Sundays With Autumn

If you were to show up at the barn on a Sunday morning, you wouldn't be surprised to hear Sunday Morning Baroque blasting off the crappy alarm clock radio in the feed room.  And you wouldn't be surprised to see me sitting in a lawn chair in Autumn's stall sipping on a cup of tea while reading or writing in my journal with Autumn eating contentedly beside me.  Sometimes, when the weather gets nice, I'll open Autumn's stall door and drag my chair after her as she decides which greener pasture to graze in.

The above photo was taken from my lawn chair this past Sunday.  I was keeping myself busy writing in my journal when I just sort of spaced out.  The sun was warm on our spot on the mountain and the rawness of the winter rains evaporated around us.  The south wind swayed the pine boughs into a rolling hula dance.  Below us, the clouds sat and rested on the town,  in a sleep-in-a-little-later fog.  New grass glowed.  The first normally nuisance blooming weed of the spring, Milkweed, looked like the prettiest pale purple and yellow flowers I had ever seen. Eight different melodies harmonized around us from the newly returned songbirds hidden in their trees.  
The songs, the wind, the grass, the flowers, me in my lawn chair with Autumn happily grazing beside me above the clouds I thought  "man, this is the life!" 
Copyright (c) 2011


  1. Why can't I see the picture?
    Sounds like a lovely morning.

  2. a little slice of heaven indeed. life is so good! thanks for sharing what you love.

    i can't see the picture either!


  3. Your Sunday Mornings with Autumn reminds me of an Emily Dickenson Poem about nature being her church:

    A Service of Song

    Some keep the Sabbath going to church;
    I keep it staying at home,
    With a bobolink for a chorister,
    And an orchard for a dome.

    Some keep the Sabbath in surplice;
    I just wear my wings,
    And instead of tolling the bell for church,
    Our little sexton sings.

    God preaches, a noted clergyman,
    And the sermon is never long;
    So instead of getting to heaven at last,
    I'm going all along!

  4. Tea and milkweed, a big horse and a little spot of sun: Sounds delightful!

  5. I look forward to listening to Sunday Morning Baroque every week on WSHU live stream on the internet. Small world. I am jealous of your lifestyle.

  6. You should send this blog to cosco to advertise their lawn chairs lol im ready to buy mine sip on some tea and watch ppant run around:-) SOLD!!! Beautiful sunday morning story!

  7. Love JPR and yes, sunday Baroque :) And though I don't employ lawn chairs or tea, I have often been caught sitting in the grass on the hill in my pasture with a book and a cup of coffee, watching the horses and enjoying their presence :)
    And yes, no picture coming through...just a small, white square where it should be...

  8. You seem to capture the best moments in life and described them so I feel like I could be there with my chair that has a cup holder for my starbucks, you reading and I'll be sketching. Nobody has to say a word thanks for the vision.


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