Friday, December 30, 2011

Where did it go?

There is half a tiramisu cake in my refrigerator and I have three nights to finish it off before I try and kid myself that I'm going to eat less crap in 2012.  Besides making empty promises for the New Year I'm also left turning around to look at what just happened in 2011.  One of the coolest things I did was start this blog.  I wouldn't have done it without the easy suggestion made by my friend Laura Z. over coffee one day.  And presto here we are today! I also have to thank my sister, Katy, for motivating me to not go home and couch it after work and to meet her at Starbucks for Wednesday Night Write Nights.
Who are those super models with their glam pets?
Oh well that's just us... Autumn, me,  Katy and my niece Penelope Pants.
As a major bonus of the blog I got you great supportive readers, who take the time to tell me how they have been enjoying my stories.  
Not only has this blog been a source of enjoyment for folks but it has helped to further their knowledge.  For instance, my seven year old nephew now knows what castration means after my sister-in-law had to explain it to him after reading my blog aloud at the dentist office.  Thanks to my writing you have been blessed with the knowledge concerning the use and purpose of the ejaculator.  You now know that some goats prefer to eat salami over hay and some get dressed in girdles. And yes, it is possible to get peed on in the face by a horse.  None of the super skinny models in those fashion magazines could ever win the veterinary hospital Not So Petite Rodeo Princess Award.  That one is reserved for real woman who aren't afraid to eat an entire Costco tiramisu pie in six nights. 
I have found, by sitting in Autumn's stall and reading to her my published blogs aloud, that I have been able to make myself cringe when I hear myself repeat all the type-o's, spelling errors, missing words, double know... I don't need to list them all out. You've seen the grammatical carnage in these things...and yet you still keep on reading.  That takes courage, patience, skills and dedication.  I commend you.
Besides the blog being one of the major highlights of the year, Autumn and I had the privilege of participating in a riding clinic with the top notch horse trainer Johnathan Field from Canada.  Autumn and I had a great time spending an entire weekend together, learning a language we could both understand to help us through her training.  She showed off her skills, moving her tusheyto the left and right and doing her super model turns off her front legs.  When it was time to throw it in reverse, holy smokes did she back that thing up!  Not only did she look good doing all these exercises but she was also learning a bunch of valuable skills to help transform her into a great riding horse. 
Training was not the only thing on Autumn's agenda that was.  Autumn fell head over heals for....

Hubba.  Hubba!

 ...Troy.  They were stabled next to each other, whispering to each under the cover of darkness at night and softly nickering to each other across the arena during the day.  At the end of the clinic, Troy's owner, Tyla, and I exchanged numbers to plan a date at the beach for the two love birds to meet again. 
But, Troy wasn't the only one to catch Autumn's eye that weekend.   Every time I got near Jonathan Field my power steering would quit and Autumn would drift over to him batting her big eye lashes.
You go girl!
Jonathan Field on Autumn
Her little job of trying to get noticed paid off  when he asked me if he could take her for a ride.  How could I say no?  I swear that horse was smiling the whole time he was on her.  Needless to say, Autumn loved the clinic.  Besides pulling out cupids arrows, we both enjoyed spending time together and learning some useful new training tools.
As for summing up the rest of the year Autumn and I went on tons of awesome rides with our great friends.  I have to extend a special thanks to Cindy and Diane for being my riding partners in crime.

The Jackson Hill gals on Clam Beach

Wendy & Trition, Rick & Amakua, Kimberly & Mae, Elly & Hanna, Mary & Shiloh, Diane & Poncho, Me & Autumn, Cindy& Syria
 We raised over $2,000 for the Cancer Society and St. Jude's Children's Hospital with your help and the Jackson Hill Gang.
Rebels with a cause! 
Me & Autumn with Cindy & Syria at the American Cancer Society Ride for Life.
Looking good and doing good!
Nancy, Shannon, Cindy, Jen, Diane and me.
My husband, Casey, and I finally went on a vacation.  We headed to the Eastern Sierra Mountains.  We drove out of Bishop California and headed up 12,000 feet into the sky to see the oldest living things in the world.  The Bristle Cone Pine Trees.  These trees are over 5,000 years old.  They were seedlings when the great pyramids of Egypt were being built.  They were already 2,000 years in the making when Jesus was born.  Those trees who are still alive today have sat where they were dropped as a seed in the White Mountains and grew to watch every single sunrise and sunset for the last 5,000 years.  They are the world's oldest and ultimate meditators.  I was blown away by these elders.  I never thought that this forest that my husband always dreamed about visiting would catch a hold of my wonder the way it did.
Spectacular still, after five millennium.
Moon walking on the dolomite moonscape of the White Mountains. 
12,000 feet in the air and in the world's crappiest soil is where the Bristle Cone Pines like it best.
2011 was a great year! I'd like to thank and send my love to my husband Casey for all of his love and support. But... I would also like to let him know that I'm still upset that he peeled the "I Love My Wife" bumper sticker that I stuck on his truck and he drove around with it on for days

before noticing it was there.
I also would like to thank Mom, Katy, Dad, Rachel, Kieran, all of my family, friends, readers and whoever is in charge of giving me this great and lucky life. 
I have to give a huge thank you to my greatest friend and muse Autumn for being my inspiration for this blog, for giving me so many cherished memories to write about and for making me so happy.  I love you girl!
My muse carrying me into my stories.

HAVE A GREAT, HAPPY, HEALTHY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR!  Thanks for reading!  If you would like to be added to my mailing list please email me at
Copyright (c) 2011


  1. Thanks for giving us lots of laughs and stories over the last year! Can't wait for what next year brings :)

  2. Wonderful writing !
    and for you...

    Coal for Warmth,
    Bread for Food,
    Silver for Wealth.
    New Year Blessings.
    Love , Flicka , Lucas ,
    & Pam (the human!)

  3. You are so appreciated and loved by so many animal,and human, Thanks for being you, Nan

  4. Margaret, beautiful blog!! I want to congradulate you on a wonderful, exciting year!! You're blog has been a big success and i'm proud of you for all you have accomplished!! I really look foward to your blogs. It's been a great way for me to cope w/ our seperation. Everytime I read it I feel more connected to you and genuinly feel like I am wth you. You're writing is beautiful & it's certainly a gift! Have a wonderful,heathy,prosperous, happy New Year & keep up the GREAT work!!!Love,Katy Also all my love&best to casey,autumn,kiki,fluffy,lily,waffles& the gang!!

  5. Sounds like a great year! And I can't blame Autumn for falling in love with Troy-- he is SUPER cute!! What sort of horse is he? A Percheron?

    But I have to say I'm disappointed in Casey for taking off the "I love my wife" bumper sticker. Where's the love?

    Good luck with that tiramisu ;)

  6. I got emotional reading your blog. It was so thoughtful and sweet. It was inspirational to see how much you appreciated your life and the treasures that make it complete................your friends and family, furry and human. I just saw something on TV that said LIVE IN LOVE and it sounds like you accomplished it. That alone should make you proud of yourself. It reminds me of David when I use to call him up and ask him what he was doing and he would always say, "lovin' life!"

  7. Great 2011 wrap-up- looking forward to the adventures of Margaret and Autumn in 2012. Happy New Year!

  8. What a great summery of your life in a year. Your stories have made me laugh, cry and inspired me. You truly have a gift for writing and is only getting better through every blog. I am very proud of all your accomplishments and for you being you. Autumn and you are two runway models. Karen

  9. Oh my gosh, Costco has Tirimasu pies!!! That's my FAVORITE!! Great blog... once again you had me cracking up. I love reading your stories Mags. You really are a great writer, a great friend... I love being around you. You really are inspiring. I know 2012 holds great things in store for you.
    ~Laura Z

  10. Loved this Maggie,
    and it was NOT too wordy!
    Loved your photos too.
    Thanks for making the effort to share your world, inspiring and laughing all the way.....well most of the way anyway!


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