Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A Good Day at Work

 I had a good day at work yesterday. No, it was pretty awesome actually.  We had a goat come into the office with two little legs sticking out from under her tail.  She had been in labor for a few hours and that's the only part of the baby that was able to make it out.  We lead momma goat into the exam area where the vet tried her best to help pull the baby out.  It just wouldn't come! It was too big!  In order to save the mother and the baby a decision was made to perform an emergency c-section. 
We lifted momma goat onto the surgery table and used anesthesia to put her into a deep sleep.  The doctor worked skillfully and in minutes she was pulling out and enormous wet bundle of fur.  It wasn't moving and we figured that it was just too much for that little life to live.  The owner took the little bundle, that was twice the size and weight of a normal new born goat kid (baby goats are called kids), from the doctor and yelped out "He's moving!"  The doctor told her to quick hold him upside down so the amniotic fluid would drain out of him so he could breath.  After a few minutes he was not "meeeeeeeeeeeeing" (that is the cute sound goats make) like normal baby goat kids would be doing and he was pretty floppy...I was preparing myself for a not so happy ending for that little guy. 
The doctor was putting momma goat back together and I was passing her the supplies she needed when all of a sudden the surgery room started to echo with little baby "meeeeeeeeee"'s.  We both stopped and looked up to see a little giant blinking baby goat watching us.  While we finished he grew strong enough to hold his own head up and his cries grew louder and louder.  
With momma back in one piece we turned the anesthesia off.  In a few minutes she was awake and sitting up.  We were worried that since she was not awake when he was born that she might not accept him as her baby but....yet again we didn't need to waste our time worrying.
As soon as momma got saw her little baby she said "meeeeeeeeeeeee!"!
And then baby goat said "meeeeeeeeeeeeee!"!
Then momma goat said "meeeeeeeeeeeeee!"!
And then baby goat said "meeeeeeeeeeeeee!"!
And then...Momma goat just stated licking him all over his face as the owner held him next to her face.  Baby goat was so happy that he was making happy little "mee" "mee"'s as he got covered in her kisses.
Oh my God!!!!!!!!!  I almost cried happy tears.  I fell in love with them. 
What a great change from answering the phones and trying to figure out how to print freaking envelopes off the computer.  I had been feeling a bit burnt out from work lately but that momma goat and her giant little miracle baby goat "meeeeeeeeeeeee"ing to each other made me love my job again.
Copyright (c) 2011


  1. I'm in love with this story!!!!! Happy tears!! Your writing is so descriptive and well written i feel like i'm there!! Keep up the GREAT work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!also i really want a pet baby goat now!!

  2. I think you should put up the photos that the owner emailed. Can you do that here? Just a thought. Nice story.

  3. Great story with a great ending. You have a very rewarding job. I delivered a kitten in another life on a far away galaxy. Great feeling.

  4. A great heart warming story on this cold rainy day in NY. As usual love reading your stories.


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Jackson Hill Horsey Girl is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.